In accordance with the City of Kalajoki’s strategy, the idea behind municipal finances is that healthy municipal finances make it possible to organise and produce high-quality services that are based on strategies.
The finances are kept in balance, which also ensures that there are sufficient resources for independent operations in the long term.
The budget and financial plan lay down the city’s operational and financial goals.
Annual financial statement and interim financial reports
The city’s annual financial statement includes the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and any information included as an appendix as well as a budgetary comparison statement and the annual report. The city’s financial period is one calendar year.
Interim financial reports examine the development of finances and operations and how well the budget has been followed. Interim financial reports are prepared twice a year.
The role of the City of Kalajoki’s statistical publication is to serve the planning and decision-making related to the city’s operations, land use and finances as a general statistical publication. The aim is to produce usable and illustrative information on the City of Kalajoki’s current state and development.