Sports services

The city’s sports services provide the residents of the city with opportunities for physical activity and serves as a cooperation body for clubs, associations and residents not involved in them. Sports services provide the conditions for participating in fitness sports, competitive sports and top-level sports.

The main role of the services is to take care of the planning and development of sports services and support the physical activities organised in the city. Sports services work in close cooperation with local and regional sports clubs and organisations.

Kalajoki Academy’s sports institute and culture academy operations make it possible for young people studying in secondary level schools in Kalajoki to participate in instructor-led morning training twice a week.

A key role in Kalajoki Academy’s operations is played by close cooperation with other educational institutions and actors in the leisure and tourism industries as well as the development of new operational models. Sports events and camps are produced in cooperation with local tourism companies as well as e.g. Keskipohjanmaan Liikunta ry (Central Osthrobothnia Sports Association).

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