Ylämaan karjan vasikoita laitumella. Kuva: Sirkku Kianto
Veterinary care

Veterinary care

Service locations and appointments

You can make an appointment on weekdays between 8 and 9.30 am telephone number: 08 460 079. After the morning consultation hours, you can call the number 040 3528 058.

Service location in Kalajoki

Katajatie 3
85100 Kalajoki

You can make an appointment on weekdays between 8 and 9 am telephone number 08 241 430. After the morning consultation hours, you can call the on call veterinarian's number 08 241 430.

Service location in Siikajoki

Kauppatie 3
92320 Siikajoki

Service location in Raahe

Raahe Small Animal Clinic (in front of the hospital)
Rantakatu 4
92100 Raahe


In urgent situations regarding the health of small animals, you can contact other private companies offering vetenarian services.

  • Eläinlääkäripalvelu Triovet Oy, Raahe, phone: 0400 230 700
  • Savisillan eläinklinikka, Ylivieska, phone: 08 428 811
  • Pohjois-Suomen Eläinsairaalan päivystys, Oulu, phone: 0600 417 230
  • Eläinlääkäriasema Kamu, Oulu, on weekdays, phone 020 123 900 (from  7 am until 8 pm)
  • Oulun Eläinklinikka, Oulu, phone: 08 554 5850

On-call veterinary services

On-call number

  • on weekdays from 8 am until 4 pm, number: 040 3528 058
  • on weekdays from 4 pm and 8 am and on weekends from Friday 4 pm until Monday 8 am and during public holidays, number: 08 4195 830.

Surveillance vetenarian

  • on weekdays from 8 am until 4 pm, number: 044 4691 747.

Rescued animals


  • Kalajoki Animal Shelter, telephone 040 5906 394


  • Dogs: Raisa Alatalo telephone 040 5246 685
  • Cats: Raahen Löytöeläinkoti, Riikka Mannila, telephone 044 0737 979


  • Kennel Mehtäapu (Oulainen) telephone 0500 281 874


  • Cats: Raahe Animal Shelter  telephone 044 0737 979
  • Dogs: Raisa Alatalo  telephone 040 5246 685


  • Dogs: Raisa Alatalo  telephone 040 5246 685
  • Kissat: Kalajoki Animal Shelter, telephone 044 0737 979